Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time to Vote!

Okay bridesmaids, I need to know what kind of style you all prefer please vote on the following. I'm going to write a description of the dress next to the number since blogger doesn't like to line up text with photos but remember color(s) will be different:

Dress 1:Sue Wong style flapper

Dress 2: Betsey Johnson pink/black

 Dress 3: Betsey Johnson pink/black with bow

Dress 4: Modcloth black with lace

Dress 5: Blue with lace

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Added Pictures

I forgot how to add pictures in the "Pics" tab but I just figured it out again so check out the new ones :)
These can be found at:

They go marvelously with Gatsby and have a shape that flatters any figure. Probably going to order them in a color that matches this shoe (I love this shoe) :  

Monday, October 11, 2010

WOW look at this one!

This is a TOTALLY different look but definitely puts the punk in big band punk theme. Kathleen (Drew's aunt) found this and it's awesome! The picture was next to a mannequin in a blue kilt... it's calling to me guys. Completely different from Gatsby so it's hard to decide which I like better but this is pretty cool.

Friday, October 1, 2010


So I think I scared the girls at 1koo with my dress. I got an email saying they can't make it... but it was in really broken English so I think they're plenty capable they just need something more concrete with minimal add-on instructions. Like Gatsby. Hopefully they can make it or I'm going to enter a pit of despair for a solid hour :)
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